About Us

The Skokie/Washburne PTO involves parents, teachers, and the principals who work together on behalf of the school’s children. Together they strengthen the school community by working in and outside of the classroom, helping the school run smoothly and raising funds for programs and activities that enrich our children’s education.

Mission Statement

The Winnetka Public Schools’ PTOs are each separate organizations that fall under one “Central PTO” umbrella. The purpose of the PTO is to further enrich the experience of our children at the Winnetka Public Schools and in the community. The PTOs support, enhance, and encourage the educational and social environment of The Winnetka Public Schools.  The goals are to complement the school curriculum with additional opportunities for parents, teachers, and students to learn, socialize, communicate, and grow.  The PTOs establish and maintain programs and committees and purchase items for the schools to fulfill the above stated purpose and engage in fundraising activities to support such efforts.

2024-25 Meeting Dates

The Exec members will meet monthly in the Skokie School Community Room at 8:45am on the second Monday of each month.


2024-25 PTO Executive Board

  • Co-Chairs: Lauren Osborn & Melisa Twomey
  • Vice Co-Chairs: Meghan Miller & Claire Winnard
  • Communications: Colleen Miczek
  • Assistant Communications: Stephanie Wheat
  • Treasurer: Maria Shideler
  • Assistant Treasurer:  Katharine Altholz
  • Secretary: Ditte Frank 

2024-25 Committee Chairs

 For a list of Committee Chairs and Committees, please click HERE.

Getting Involved


The Skokie/Washburne PTO welcomes the involvement of all parents–they make many school programs possible. The efforts of parents truly enhance the culture of our school and the educational experience for our children. You can always find ways to help and there’s something to fit every schedule! For instance, you can:

  • Chair or join a committee that has ongoing responsibilities, such as Staff Appreciation, Graduation or Landscaping, or a one-time event, such as Field Days. 
  • Volunteer to be a Room Parent at Skokie School.

PTO Programs & Events

Among many other responsibilities, Skokie/Washburne PTO Committees manage:


Teachers & Staff:

  • Teacher & Staff Meals: we host a Welcome Back Breakfast and Staff Luncheons during
  • School Conferences in the Fall & Spring
  • Staff Appreciation Week: the first week of May, the PTO provides special surprises to our staff throughout the celebratory week (including flowers, snacks, lunch, etc.)


School Community:

  • Back-to-School: organize School Tours, Teacher Meet & Greets, Welcome Back-to-School decorations/balloons/ signage, Principal Welcome Back Coffee
  • New Families (to District 36): Welcome goodie bags for all new students to the district, Meet & Greet Events for families
  • Skokie Room Parties: Halloween & Valentine's Day are organized with Skokie Room Parents and include games, decorations & a charity opportunity
  • School Grounds: help to support keeping our outdoor space well-maintained & keep the flower pots seasonal
  • Parent Party: a fun evening out for parents!


Student Enrichment:

  • One School, One Book program: the PTO pays for a copy of a book per child
  • 6th Grade Farewell Celebrations
  • 8th Grade Farewell Celebrations
  • Social Mixers & Tournaments throughout the year
  • Field Day


The PTO is integral to the ongoing success of Skokie/Washburne operations and special initiatives. We hope you will consider volunteering and/or supporting PTO events and fundraisers. Please be assured that your generosity is always appreciated and will have a direct impact on our wonderful school and its students!