Skokie 5th Grade Kickball Tournament

tuesday, september 3rd 12-2pm

Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
Time: 12-2pm

NOTE: Check-in time at the Skokie Playfields promptly after school ends at 11:50am

Fee: $20


*Registrations are now closed, must be registered to attend!



2 slices of pizza

1 bag of Lay's potato chips

1 bottle of water

1 Kona Ice



The Skokie Playfields are located off Hibbard at the Turf Fields adjacent to Washburne.  Students will walk directly to the Skokie Playfields after school.  For students who bike to school, please leave bikes at school and come back to get them after the Kickball Tournament ends around 2pm.


The event lasts from 12-2pm.  Please make sure your child understands that they cannot come/go - once they leave the event, they will not be permitted back.

Participation Fee Includes

  • 2 Slices Pizza
  • 1 Bag Lay's Potato Chips
  • 1 Bottle of Water
  • 1 Kona Ice
  • WPD referees

Parent Volunteers

We are in need of parent volunteers to ensure the afternoon is a success. Please consider volunteering – this is a great opportunity for parents to get involved at the beginning of the school year!

Team Details and Games Schedule:

Teams are assigned by Skokie Advisories and/or Teaching Teams so every player will have teammates from their advisory. Team rosters will be shared at check-in. Each player will receive a pinnie to wear during the games upon check-in.  All pinnies must be returned at the end of the games.  There will be a parent volunteer assigned to each team to help with some light coaching. Umpires will be provided by Hot Shots. 5th Graders should come to the Skokie Playfields right after school. A game schedule will be posted.  

What to Wear & What to Bring:

Players should plan to wear comfortable, athletic clothing and sneakers they can run in. Please also dress for the weather – we won’t play in thunder and lighting, but everything else is fair game. Bottles of water will be available during lunch, but it would be best to have players bring a full water bottle from home as there won’t be a lot of time in between games to fill up.

Rules of Play

  • A coin flip will decide which team is home or away.
  • Each game is 25 minutes max
  • If the home team is losing and hasn't gotten their time at the plate, the score will revert to what it was at the end of the last full inning.
  • During the First Inning of the first game ONLY, each player kicks regardless of the number of runs or outs.
  • After the first inning, and in the 2nd games, a normal 3 outs ends the inning.
  • The slaughter rule is that every player gets to kick but players can not kick twice during an inning. If a team goes through their entire line up in an inning it automatically ends.
  • There are no strikes or balls at "bat".
    • Pitchers should be rolling the ball nice and slow and smooth. No spin, bounces or super fast rolls.
  • 3 foul balls and you're out.
  • Field positions are random (up to coach to move players if needed) but no one can be pitcher more than once in a game
  • Pitchers hands at first, if the pitcher has the ball no one can run.
  • One base on an overthrow
  • If the ball is kicked in the air and there are less than two outs, base runners have to tag up.
  • You can get a force out or tag someone for an out as well.
  • Pegging is not allowed.
  • No leads 
  • No stealing
  • Bunts are legal (intentional or not)



Kickball is one of our favorite sports because no skills are required, everyone is welcome, and it’s always fun. That said, a code of conduct is required to participate. It is intended to be a fun afternoon for everyone participating. Please take a moment to remind your child to practice good sportsmanship, to win and lose graciously, and to show respect to all players, umps, staff and parents. We will reserve the right to call parents to pick up any players not exhibiting respectful behavior.

Inclement Weather

In the case of inclement weather during the event, participants will wait for rides inside the Park District Building.  If there is a chance of inclement weather, please make a plan with your child.

Our Partners

Thank you to the staff at the Winnetka Park District for partnering on this fun event along with the Skokie/Washburne PTO. It has truly been a fun collaboration. We are also appreciative of Hot Shots Sports for providing umpires to help run our games!

Food Vendors/Allergy Information

We want to provide information on all food served during this event for allergy considerations in advance. For anyone with an allergy, please talk through the best options with your child ahead of time.


We are so excited for our third annual Kickball Tournament on Tuesday, September 3rd and can’t wait to welcome all players to the field!


For any questions, please contact Kickball Committee Chair: Jackie Hairston  OR


See you on Tuesday, September 3rd!