
SKOkie/washburne pto committees 

We have many exciting opportunities to offer for the 2024-25 school year! Please consider a position leading or being part of a committee (more information on roles noted in the Sign-Up Genius link below!) Working with the PTO is a great way to see an inside look into Skokie & Washburne. It's also a wonderful way to share your skills, make new friends, and get to know the teachers & staff!




Please consider being a Room Parent to your Advisory at Skokie School!  Room Parent sign ups are for 5th and 6th grade parents only. 2 Room Parents are needed per Advisory classroom and minimal time commitment is involved. Room Parents will assist Advisory teachers as needed and serve as a liaison between teachers, the PTO, and classroom parents. 


Responsibilities will include:

  • Send an introductory email to the advisor and let that teacher know who the Room Parents are.
  • Plan activities, collect money from advisory families to purchase any materials, and lead Halloween and Valentine’s Day parties (1 craft, 1 game, 1 act of service/kindness activity).
  • Communicate with families within the class to find a substitute to fill in on party/event days if you’re unable to attend.
  • Organize a casual parent get-together for the parents within an advisory during the fall.